More than just a dance instructor I’m a storyteller
A Collaborative Experience
Your wedding day is a unique story, and we believe in collaborating with you to create it. Here is how we do it.
Private Rooms for Lessons
Unique compared to most instructors in NYC we offer an intimate setting where we provide one-on-one attention, allowing our couples to express their unique style and preferences. This privacy fosters a relaxed atmosphere, making it easier for our couples to connect with the dance and create a more meaningful, memorable experience. Simply put this works the best.
Lesson Length
Our lessons are 50 min long, tailored to ensure that you feel engaged and comfortable throughout.
Wedding Dance Lesson Videos
We allow our couples to record their lessons for personal review but kindly request that unfinished materials are not posted online. This ensures that the final performance remains special and private.
Your Dream Day, Perfectly Documented
Choose a wedding dance package to suit your special day – We believe in transparent pricing – we want to make this easy for you to plan with us.
The Mad Dash Moment
90 consecutive minutes of wedding dance instructor.
Movement will be presented in a linear fashion to provide comfort during the process
Couples are allowed to video at the end of the lesson
The Love Story
Up to 5 x50 min of wedding dance instruction
Time is spent to ensure directionality is cohesive and natural looking.
Couples are allowed to video at the end of the lesson.
The Fairytale
10 x 50min wedding dance lessons.
Customized choreography to the song of your choice
Directionality, lead and follow, and time for partnering instruction is allotted.
Opening and ending of choice with possible lift options if desired.
Couples are allowed to video at the end of lessons for continuity.